Monday, September 05, 2005

Most Spontaneous?

Master Chocoindryice has been voted "Most Spontaneous" by the Simpleville Padewan population...

However, Master Choco is in doubt whether the padewans understood the meaning of 'spontaneous'...

According to the dictionary, SPONTANEOUS means:
1) Happening or arising without apparent external cause; self-generated.
2) Arising from a natural inclination or impulse and not from external incitement or constraint.
3) Unconstrained and unstudied in manner or behavior.
4) Growing without cultivation or human labor.

Hmmm... something's telling Master Choco that the padewans are trying to signal to him that he is 'UNPREDICTABLE'... Better not mess with Choco because, like a scorpion sting, he'll attack on impulse in an unconstrained and uncultured manner... Muahahahahah...

Master Choco managed to interrogate a young Padewan by the name of Nituba-Comilletite and asked her in what ways were Master Choco 'spontaneous'...

She replied: "Because Master Choco always seems to be able to rise to the occassion in many of the things that he does, even when given short time to prepare..."

Hmmm... PLAM (prepare little, achieve more) perhaps? Muahahahahah

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