Thursday, August 23, 2007









夜。。。 尤其是在满天布满星星的夜,就很容易想起这首歌。。。

夜有千种声音。。。 我只听到你”

真佩服梁文福写词的功力。。。 就这几行字,道尽心底的感觉。。。

夜。。。 当然没有万颗眼睛。。。
夜。。。 当然也不会发出任何声音。。。
所以看到眼睛的,听到声音的。。。 必然是思念人的心。。。

所以, 我喜欢这首歌。。。
所以, 我为这首歌编了一段眩晕的吉他和弦。。。


Monday, August 20, 2007


终于。。。 我一直都很欣赏的本地作家与创作家,梁文福,他的数几十首新谣创作,现在已被呈现于一出舞台剧《天冷就回来>...

今天... 有幸与友人观赏这部剧... 心中不禁涌出了许多极深的感触...

梁文福的作品,我可说是非常熟悉... 在我年少时期, 他的歌曲陪伴了我蛮长的一段时间... 从喜欢,到渐渐的深入欣赏,甚至是崇拜... 佩服他那非常带有文学色彩, 却又能够以简单的字句, 描绘出极生动及感人的情绪... 我的华文根基也是因为读了他的词及散文而打下的...

今天... 再度重温梁文福的词曲创作... 不仅再度的重温当年的情绪... 也重新更深入的体会他词句里所包含的感情... 他的词曲,在这舞台剧里,被赋予了新的画面... 新的画面也为我带来了新的感动...

"天冷就回来"... 五个简单的字。。。 但字里所包含的意义却是如此的深不可测。。。 舞台剧到了第二幕的开场时,当演员唱出了这首歌时,我的眼泪不禁的掉了下来。。。 那感动的降临是如此的迅速, 降临得如此毫无防备。。。






Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Just 10 mins drive from Simpleville... Yet seldom thought of dropping by... Couldn't help but feel as if I'm back in Middle Earth this evening...

Simply simple... That's how life should be lived... Simple joy, simple relationships, simple peace, simple aspirations...

Simply perfect...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Retail Therapy - Men's Poison...

Felt like rewarding myself for working hard making a living... Went out on a retail therapy trip today... And burnt some cash on a couple of items...

Finally, after many years of making do with a cheap and serve-its-purpose SLIK tripod, I bit the bullet and went ahead with a set of Manfrotto tripod and ballhead... Long-term investment, I tell myself...

Will it make me a better photographer?

Nahhh... I doubt so...


There's a few other items that's calling out for me, urging me to own them... in no order of priority (I'd love to have all of them if cash is of no concern), these are:

1) The iPhone

Won't arrive on S'pore shores till next year...

Would it make me a more organised and well connected and cool person?

Nahhh... I doubt so...

2) The Canon EOS 1D MKIII

The ultimate body that I could dream of owning at present...

Would it make me a better photographer?

Nahhh... I doubt so...

3) The Taylor GA 8 or Martin D28

Would these make me a better guitarist?

Nahhh... I doubt so...

4) The MINI Cooper

My dream car...

Would it make me a better driver?

Nahhh... I doubt so...

5) The new iMac

My dream machine to organise and edit my digital photos...

Would it make me a more organised person and a better photographer?

Nahhh... I doubt so too...

It's a whole load of paradoxes... For the many WANTS of a man basically doesn't necessary make him better off... Well, maybe not directly anyway...

All the above items don't seem to give me any further edge in what I could possibly do... Probably more convenient... Probably they merely make me feel that I'm much better than I actually am...

But even so, if there's really such a thing as a self-actualising prophecy, then there's no harm in owning them and thinking that I'm better off and then in turn really perform in a better off fashion...

What a whole load of self-justifying expensive crap ;)

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Where's the FIREWORKS??!!!

Heard that there's going to be a final NDP rehearsal yesterday, so rushed down to my shooting spot at 7.30pm to have a shooting rehearsal myself before the actual day...

Parked my car by the roadside... walked double-quick time... leapt over the Kallang River railing... hurried along the river to the river mouth... under the Sheares Bridge... hit the spot... set up my tripod... set up camera... aimed and composed... did a few test shoots... and waited...

And waited...

And waited...

And waited...






8.15pm... National Anthemn...

But where's the fireworks???

Finally dawned upon me that this last rehearsal wasn't a preview rehearsal... No fireworks... It was a standby rehearsal date to have a final run-through to iron out the kinks...

Felt silly and disappointed about the rush to make this trip... Learnt some lessons as well:

Not all NDP rehearsals will have fireworks...

Just like
Not all people who are nice to you will not harm you...

Just like
Not all people who are mean to you will not be nice to you afterall...

Just like
Not all people who appears strong on the outside will not succumb to pressure and stress...

Just like
Not all dogs who barks will ever set its teeth on you (deja vu ehh, Madcat?)...

Just like
Not all schools who has not won any accolades or awards are not capable of producing youths with character...

Just like
Not all photographers who has all the wonderful gear that money can buy will ever produce breathtaking photos...

But at least I do know for sure that there'll be fireworks on 9th August 2007... I have faith that the SAF and pyrotechnics team will not mess it all up ;)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Unexpected Safe Sanctuary

Was churning a lot this morning... Over a case which amplified the weaknesses of every one involved, Padawans and Jedi Knights alike...

The feeling was bad... Felt so down... Over my abilities, over my inabilities...

Had to attend a briefing at NCSS in the morning as well, and throughout the journey to and fro, my mind was preoccupied with what had happened... Felt as if I was sinking and sinking and sinking...

Then, on my way back, for some reasons or other, my thought suddenly took an unexpected turn... I remembered I was trying find some source of confidence or a sense of security to calm myself down... Then amazingly, memories of my NS days in the 20SA Medical Centre came flashing back... ... ...

Lee and I were the only two medics who were posted to 20SA from my batch of Combat Medics... We found out that there was a shortage of medics in the unit for the past 1 year before we were posted... So we were kind of a relief to the manpower constraints there...

We also found out that we were greatly anticipated as all the medics there were to ROD in a years' time and should there be no medics to be posted and understudy, there'll be a major problem of handing and taking over of duties for the proper functioning of the medical centre...

And since there's only two of us, and since it was to be another 1 more year before another batch of medics were to be posted, all my seniors were eager to hand over their duties to the two of us...

Basically, that meant that the Admin I/C, Medical Board I/C, Medical Store I/C, Batallion Casualty Station Store I/C, Treatment Room I/C, MO Personal Assistant duties would fall onto the two of us... And that's only the HQ medics' duties... There still the Battery-line medic duties not covered...

Then there was our Senior Medic (the only regular soldier, and our boss of the Medical Centre)... He was a very difficult man to please... His train of thought and logic is something that none of us could comprehend... His eccentricities were our constant source of agony, frustration, hopelessness and despair... His concept of fairness was something that made us all wonder if we had all owed him something in our previous lives...

Shortly after Lee and I were posted, a few of my seniors came to me to warn me that for some incomprehensible reasons, our Senior Medic didn't quite like me... And he intended to throw me to the Battery-line and bunk in with the Gunners...

And that was a scary outcome... Because I wasn't quite ready to live with a whole Battery of rough and tough Gunners... Life would be miserable, I thought...

But goodness gracious... my Medical Officer (the doctor) wanted me to stick around in the Medical Centre to be his Personal Assistant... I was quite sure that his decision pissed the Senior Medic off quite a bit... though the Senior Medic is a regular soldier, the MO is higher ranking than the Senior Medic...

So my life in 20SA revolved around the Medical Centre... because there's only the two of us new to the Medical Centre, quite naturally, we were initiated into every aspects of the centre... For the sake of fairness and accountability, all these duties were split between the two of us... I took up the Medical Board, Medical Store, Batallion Casualty Station Store, MO Personal Assistant, and part of the Treatment Room duties...

So how were all these related to how I was feeling this morning?

I gradually realised that it was during these period of 1 year that I was groomed and taken care of by my seniors... they were the ones who look out for me and showed me all the ropes in managing the centre's duties and most importantly, how to manage our Senior Medic...

I could still fondly recall all those times where Big Chang would go though the Medical Board cases with me at night so that I could handle them myself... where Chris would pull me into his very organised Battalion Casualty Station store to show me how to pack, stack and identify hundreds of medical items stored in the numberous BCS boxes... where Ong would teach me how to operate and maintain every Treatment Room equipment (and also how to do anything we want, as long as we don't get caught)... and Leong who'd always say "Lai lai lai... come to my storeroom to do stock-taking for me..."... where Willie who'd teach me, albeit reluctanly, what he knew about being an MO's Personal Assistant...

These amazing seniors, upon looking back, were there for me and looked out for me and it was those days that I really didn't feel afraid at all of the daunting tasks and duties that fell upon me because I knew that they'd be there... If not for them, Lee and I would never had been able to manage the Medical Centre during the couple of months after they all RODed and before the new batch of medics were posted to our unit...

These memories and experiences were the source of security and confidence that I was craving for this morning... There was this temporal feeling of helplessness, insecurity and vulnerability this morning due to things which happened these couple of days... But a wave of calmness set upon me after I recalled all these wonderful moments when I was just a 19 year old youth...

And I'm thankful for these experiences that I had... they were experiences which toughened and strengthened my resolve... they were experiences which has moulded my sense of purpose...

And it's been a very long while since I've even thought about those days... It's amazing how these memories came flashing back when I really needed a booster from somewhere...

And I now wonder if I could still find a way to keep in touch with any of them...