Friday, July 18, 2008


路不转, 人转。。。
人不转, 心转”

Saw these phrases on one of those advertisements in the subway stations of Taipei...

Loosely translated, it means:

"When you can't move the mountains, move the roads...
When you can't move the roads, move the person...
When you can't move the person, move the heart."

Of course, by 'moving the heart', we mean we take a fresh perspective and gather new insights...

Chinese wisdom at its best...

My trip to Tibet some 2 years ago had shown me this wisdom already... that the physical geography of Tibet is so harsh and unforgiving that roads really need to be built meandering around the slopes of mountains... and when roads can't lead one to one's destination, condition the heart to attain Nirvana...

And I must remind myself of this wisdom continually... there are some policies that I can't move... so I relook at strategies and approaches that may overcome the red-tapes... when strategies and approaches are helpless, maybe I just need a reframing of my mindset...

Some things/ people need to move... but they aren't... Some grudges need to be let go of... but they aren't... I can't change the world... I can't change other's priorities... I can't remove other's frustrations completely... but I can definitely choose how my mind is conditioned to perceive...




Loving kindness...

Lessons from my journeys...

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