a tougher route. 5km of cross-country terrain right at the beginning.
I almost gave up after coming out of the trail. Was so tempted to turn
together with the 10km runners instead of taking a longer detour for
my 15km race.
This race was just as tough as the Army Half-Marathon I'd did in
August. Just as tough because I wasn't as well-prepared for this run.
No excuse of course. But I better cover the necessary mileage before
any major runs in future. Today, I can feel my body complaining and
responding to my lack of preparations already.
Here's some vital statistics from my heart-rate meter:
Max heart-rate -> 204 bpm
Average heart-rate -> 183 bpm
Max speed -> 12.5 km/h
Avg speed -> 7.5 km/h
Total distance -> 15.9 km (where did the extra distance come frm)
Calories burnt -> 1881 kcal
Total time -> 2 hr 7 mins
I know I'm pushing my body beyond what it could currently take. I'm
basically running at over 90% of my max heart-rate most of the time.
And that's a sign that I'm not fit enough.
Furthermore, when I reached the 10km mark, my left knee is trying to
tell me it's getting weak already. And that's not a good sign. And by
the time I reached 11km, my right knee is also sending the same
message. I had to slow down. No point risking my knees cartilage. That
would only mean that I can't run anymore in future.
Well this race also completes the races I intended to do for the year.
There's still a Standard Chartered Marathon in December. But I don't
think I'm ready for that. Not sure if I'm ever going to be ready for a
full marathon. I'll need a proper training regime if I'm ever reckless
enough to sign up for one.
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