Friday, August 04, 2006

Breaking Out of the Cocoon

A man saw a cocoon where a butterfly was about to break free from. Upon seeing the butterfly struggle so hard and appearing to be having a lot of difficulty breaking out of it, he decided to use a knife and cut the cocoon open to release the butterfly within...

To his horror, the butterfly did not survive long after being released prematurely. The butterfly didn't develop enough strength to fly because it didn't have the chance to go through the process of struggling and breaking out of its cocoon by itself.

I constantly remind myself with this story... I was reminded of this story again today...

A young padawan of mine requested that I cut open a cocoon prematurely... I'm very proud of him for having such great compassion and displaying such great friendship. I'm very touched in fact...

However, just like a little chick using all its strength to break out of the egg shell, the butterfly needs to do it himself... All we can, and should do is to give the butterfly all the encouragement that he needs, and await the day when he will break out of his cocoon, turning into a beautiful butterfly... That will be the day where we will all cheer and celebrate his rebirth... a new beginning... putting the past behind, and looking forward to greater success and achievements...

I am most humbled... I am looking forward to that day...

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