Saturday, September 29, 2007
Run for your LIFE...
April 2007 - Mizuno Mt Faber 10 km Run
July 2007- Saucony 10 km Run (East Coast)
August 2007 - Singapore Bay 12 km Run
October 2007 - New Balance 15 km Real Run (Changi Airport)
Never in my life had I believed that I could complete such distances in running... Let alone doing 4 such runs in a year...
Even during the phase in my life when I was fittest (NS days and Uni days), the max I ran were 5 km... I've always felt that running is a very boring and time consuming activity... You are left on your own (mentally at least), and it's mind over body after a certain distance...
But as I age (gracefully, mind you), somehow, that mental toughness grew and compensated for my fast diminishing fitness... I now know that as long as I run at a moderately comfortable pace, I can just go on and on, notwithstanding the usual tightness of thigh and calf muscles and knee pains... On such runs now, I often find myself being able to talk to myself and process thoughts as I run and I realised time passes pretty easily and my mind won't be preoccupied with feeling tired or thoughts of stopping and giving up the run...
On my own, I also realised that I don't usually have the motivation to complete long distances... I've tried running from my place near the AMK MRT down to Bishan Park, make a complete loop round both of the Bishan Parks, then run back home... But that's about the furtherest I'd go and that's merely 8 km thereabout...
But on such mass races, the act of running with thousands of strangers, and knowing that I won't be the last, somehow spur me on and make me just keep going and going and going... Initially, I kind of feel lousy when the super fit female competitors speed pass me... But now, I respect and acknowledge them as capable competitors, and I also now learnt to take it in my stride and enjoy admiring their super well-toned legs as well... And talking about legs, I believe I've seen enough well-toned legs, males and females alike, from such races that I can quite confidently differentiate long distance runners from all other wannabes... I'd like to believe that I used to have a pair of such legs when I was at the prime of my fiteness, but now, I can only admire others and aspire quietly to maintain a fit and healthy pair of legs myself...
The last race for this year for me would be the New Balance Real Run... 15 km over road and some sandy beach... A distance I've never conquered... And for the first time, I'm a bit more worried about my fitness and condition in completing this race... It's a personal challange... Completetion would be an achievement for me... Timing is secondary for me, as with all other races... I've never been a competitive person all my life anyway... I've always thought that there's simply too many rat races all over, but the thing is, I'm NOT A RAT! Simply can't be bothered about any perceived competitions anywhere...
Life is to be enjoyed and lived meaningfully... Life is Beautiful enough to live it to the fullest... And on long races, I envision myself to be running on my Life journey... Every step towards the destination, is always one step nearer... And even upon reaching the destination, Life still goes on, another destination awaits, loved ones await as well... And that's the wonder in Life... overcoming oneself, sharing life with loved ones meaninfully and peacefully...
Friday, September 21, 2007
Kinda Freaky...
I just don't feel quite comfortable at all with this strange phenomenon...
For the past few months, the above photo I took off the car reflection of myself when I was in New Zealand North Island, Dargaville, has been the highest hit photo on my pbase photo gallery...
Freaky, in fact... and I completely do not understand who or where or how there're people in the world-wide-web who got to know of this photo!!!
And why me??? Or why this photo? You can't see my face... You can't see the interior of the car too clearly... You can't see much landscape of the quiet Dargaville either...
Why why why why why why why why?
Very puzzling...
Very puzzling indeed...
For the past few months, the above photo I took off the car reflection of myself when I was in New Zealand North Island, Dargaville, has been the highest hit photo on my pbase photo gallery...
Freaky, in fact... and I completely do not understand who or where or how there're people in the world-wide-web who got to know of this photo!!!
And why me??? Or why this photo? You can't see my face... You can't see the interior of the car too clearly... You can't see much landscape of the quiet Dargaville either...
Why why why why why why why why?
Very puzzling...
Very puzzling indeed...
Monday, September 17, 2007
AJC Wanton Mee!!!
And it's finally found!!!
Our famous AJC wanton mee!!!
Now located at ABC Brickworks Market!!! Thanks to
I don't think I've tasted any better tasting wanton mee since I left AJC!!!
Everybody must try must try must try okie? : )
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
What They Taught Me...
Last Friday, at the East Coast Park, near carpark E2, this group of beautiful people taught me some valuable lessons...
- that there's happiness to be found in every corner of the world...
- that with a sincere and open heart, your care, concern and love can be passed on to others...
- that there are people out there who would truly appreciate simple gestures and actions that we do...
- that there's no point in mulling and sulking over unhappy pasts and start appreciating that there's beautiful people such as these, who bring so much joy and laughter to a group of elderlies...
To the 8 beautiful boys and girls, I sincerely salute all of you, for sharing a small part of your life with the elderlies... I could see in their eyes how touched and happy they really are after spending these beautiful times with you guys and gals... And I am touched and am proud of all of you...
Thank you for brightening up my day as well... You have shown me, and many many others who might have chosen to believe that the end has befallen on them, that with a beautiful and simple heart, joy can be passed around and can be felt...
You all have certainly inspired me... :)
- that there's happiness to be found in every corner of the world...
- that with a sincere and open heart, your care, concern and love can be passed on to others...
- that there are people out there who would truly appreciate simple gestures and actions that we do...
- that there's no point in mulling and sulking over unhappy pasts and start appreciating that there's beautiful people such as these, who bring so much joy and laughter to a group of elderlies...
To the 8 beautiful boys and girls, I sincerely salute all of you, for sharing a small part of your life with the elderlies... I could see in their eyes how touched and happy they really are after spending these beautiful times with you guys and gals... And I am touched and am proud of all of you...
Thank you for brightening up my day as well... You have shown me, and many many others who might have chosen to believe that the end has befallen on them, that with a beautiful and simple heart, joy can be passed around and can be felt...
You all have certainly inspired me... :)
Thursday, September 06, 2007
所以我也誓言要学会自弹自唱这首将近千字,即幽默,且深情的歌。。。真的好不容易啊! 我还记得真正完整的表演完这首歌是在我念大学第三年时,在一个宿舍歌咏组的表演上呈现的。当时我的吉他根基也相当的稳健了。所以自弹自唱不是问题。。。
关于恋爱症候群的发生原因 至今仍然是最大一个谜
不管性别年龄职业体重学历长相和血型 没有一个人可以免疫
有些专家学者研究后相信 恋爱是内分泌失调所引起
却有别人认为恋爱属于滤过性病毒 像感冒无药可救但会自动痊愈
不管你同不同意 自古到今许多例子证明
恋爱不但是一种病态 它还可能是一种变态
一般发病后的初期反应 会开始改变一些生活习性
洗澡洗得特别干净 刷牙刷得特别用力 半夜突然爬起来弹钢琴
有人每天站在阳台对路人傻笑 有人突然疯疯癫癫 突然很安静
有人一脸痴呆 对着镜子咬着指甲打喷嚏 有人对着小狗骂三字经
女人突然改变发型 男人开始每天练着哑铃
食欲不振歇斯底里四肢萎缩 神经过敏发抖抽筋都出现在这时期
随着病情越来越变本加厉 人会变得格外敏感勇敢和恶心
写的说的唱的都像天才诗人一般才华洋溢 愈肉麻愈觉得有趣
有人恋爱之后每天躲在厕所哭泣 有人开记者会宣布恋爱的消息
有人总是喜欢两个人躲在黑漆漆的地方 像做了不可告人的事情
每天忙着找人算命 挖空心思改变自己 配合对方的习性
把每天都当作纪念日 把自己当作纪念品
每天漫无目的的腻在一起 言不及意也觉得好有趣
走着坐着躺着趴着都形影不离 像是两人三脚又像连体婴
心里想的只有爱你爱你爱你爱你 也不管家里米缸有没有米
也不管路上有人示威抗议 只管爱你
心里想的只有爱你爱你爱你爱你 也不管海峡两岸统一问题
也不管衣索匹亚多少难民 只管爱你
经过一段轰轰烈烈热恋时期 不久就会开始渐渐痊愈
两人开始互相厌倦 互相攻击对方缺点 所有甜蜜都随风而去
然后开始从错觉和误解中清醒 惊讶自己为何如此不聪明
为了爱情不管一切 不顾父母朋友姐妹兄弟 开始感到后悔不已
然后开始感到疲惫 沉闷气喘心悸牙痛头痛梦呓
然后是精神不济瞳孔放大 脾气暴燥四肢麻痹 终于受不了要分离
虽然结果颇令人伤心 了解之后也没什么了不起
爱情终究是握不住的云 只是我想要告诉你 哦......
在我落寞的岁月里 你的温柔解脱我的孤寂
带给我深深的狂喜 如此颤动着我的心灵
轻轻诉说爱你爱你爱你爱你 不管是黑夜或是黎明
不管是梦中或是清醒 深深爱你
我要对你说爱你爱你爱你爱你 不管是黑夜或是黎明
不管是梦中或是清醒 深深爱你
多么幸福 让我遇见你
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Definitely two of my favourite songs of the moment...
881 啊 摇 啊 摇 啊。。。 881 啊 摇 啊 摇 啊 (Chant in Hokkien to make sense of it... )
881 啊 摇 啊 摇 啊。。。 881 啊 摇 啊 摇 啊 (Chant in Hokkien to make sense of it... )
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