Friday, July 07, 2006


Redang 2003 => Solo

Sydney 2004 => Solo

New Zealand North Island 2005 => Solo

Japan 2006 => Solo
I'm getting more and more used to travelling solo...

My pace (or lack of) and itinerary (or lack of) will irk any travelling partners should I travel with any...

I can stop for hours at a location just to observe and wait and rest and enjoy the moment and then shoot as much as I like, before I move along...

I plan my trip on the fly... I just need a broad itinerary, and I will always work out the details as I go along...

That's the way I function best... that's the way that I'll enjoy my travelling photography best... No stress of not following any plans... No stress of irking anybody else... No stress of hurrying my photo taking...

I'm not ready to travel with anyone at the moment...

Not yet...

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