Thursday, November 22, 2007
Getting Close...
Just when I though that there's only so much joy I could explore to derive from the kinds of photography that I've been engaging in, in came the world of macro photography...
Only the sharpest of eyes would see the beauty of all things so close, yet so small... Easy to miss... Easy to take for granted...
Although it has taken me oh so long to discover the beauty so near me, I'm so glad that I've done so...
No doubt there's this regret that I should have made this discovery much earlier...
No doubt life often has its very unique and inexplicable way of unveiling itself...
All I know is that I've taken that first step to our lookout-point... "go as far as you can, and you'll always see further from there"... and I do know from deep within that I have found something very special... Something that I'll treasure and sustain for a lifetime...
Monday, October 29, 2007
Running into the Starry Night
So glad that I finished the 15km REAL Run yesterday...
And after the race, I can somewhat appreciate why it's called the REAL Run... Runway, road, trail and beach... all the "run-able" tracks were covered in this race...
To be honest, I was quite worried before the run... Since the last 12 km S'pore Bay Run in Aug, I really attempted to condition myself (after numerous reminders by my close friend too) by going for long runs to Bishan Park... I didn't want to end up collapsing from the rigorous heart activity...
But having completed it, there was an immense sense of satisfaction... Running is an 'out of my comfort zone' activity... I've always felt that human beings were not designed to run (otherwise why do we have to design shoes to protect our feet and knees from the impact?)... All along the race, I kept having to push myself and encourage myself not to stop... I could run slowly... I could walk briskly... But giving up was not an option...
And along this race, I also found myself running somewhere at the 2nd third of the entire pack of thousands of runners... There are those who are capable and fit and they are well way in front of me... and there's also those who are way behind me as well, running their own race...
And I come to some kind of realisation that in life, there's always a place for all of us... I need not be the fastest runner all the time... I need not feel bad about not being the better runners out there... I'm already out of my comfort zone, pushing my bodily limits, sun-tanning myself evenly under the morning sun, risking further wear & tear of my leg joints, trying my best to finish a long race... And I want to enjoy it, and affirm myself that I can accomplish something that I've never been good at doing...
I know that I will get there, no matter what... I may not be running at the pace that some may deem acceptable... I may be less fit than those in my age group... But I don't really think I mind that at all...
Having completed 4 long runs this year has allowed me to benchmark myself against the really ardent and serious runners... I know my fitness level will never get me anywhere near them... But the good thing about joining such races is that they gave me good motivations to complete these ridiculous distances which I'd never convince myself of completing all by myself...
And I think this 'benchmarking' that I've learnt from my running can also be applied in my area of work... It's not all about achieving achieving achieving the best the best the best results all the time... It's all about giving giving giving our best our best our best that really matters... We may never be comparable with the absolute best out there... But if we are all willing to step out of our comfort zones and push ourselves, we will achieve something that we may not have believed we ever could...
Yes... for the most part of my under 2 hours run yesterday, my mind was preoccupied with processing such thoughts... Something similar from meditation , I suppose... And also to distract myself from focusing too much on the discomfort...
But of course, the greatest motivation of all that really made the difference in yesterday's race was really the fact that I know deep down in my heart, that there is someone who's waiting for me right at the end, waiting for me to finish my run safely... I also know deep down that there is someone there who wouldn't be judging me on how well or how badly I've done for my race... It was this assurance which gave me the strength and determination to finish this run... This run into the Starry Night...
Thursday, October 04, 2007
在 Youtube 找到了陈绮祯的吉他版“旅行的意义”。。。 不必看见面孔。。。 一把好的歌喉就以足够。。。
旅行的意义。。。 旅行到底有什么意义? 旅行就只是到处走走看看吗?
我上一趟出国到柬埔寨的吴哥窟时,在吴哥窟的最顶端, 在吴哥窟最壮观的顶端,我听到了一位旅客上气不接下气地说:“上了也不是白上,还不是得再爬下去!”
的确。。。如果上去的目的只是因为别人都上去了。。。 如果上去的原因只是因为都到这儿了,不如就跟着上去。。。 那么到那儿旅行都只是“还得回去”的。。。
每一位到了旅行景点看到的一景一物都可以一样。。。 但是,每一个人的心境却是不一样的。。。 就是这不一样的心境判辩了旅行的意义。。。
目的地很妙的竟然也是。。。 心
这是一种很难言语的心态。。。 一种我非常享受的心态。。。 摄影常常能让我的心能够看得见。。。 摄影也早已经成为了我的心的窗口。。。
我一直以为旅行的意义是一个很个人的意义。。。 不过,我可能已经确定了这意义也可以和心爱的人共同分享的。。。
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Run for your LIFE...
April 2007 - Mizuno Mt Faber 10 km Run
July 2007- Saucony 10 km Run (East Coast)
August 2007 - Singapore Bay 12 km Run
October 2007 - New Balance 15 km Real Run (Changi Airport)
Never in my life had I believed that I could complete such distances in running... Let alone doing 4 such runs in a year...
Even during the phase in my life when I was fittest (NS days and Uni days), the max I ran were 5 km... I've always felt that running is a very boring and time consuming activity... You are left on your own (mentally at least), and it's mind over body after a certain distance...
But as I age (gracefully, mind you), somehow, that mental toughness grew and compensated for my fast diminishing fitness... I now know that as long as I run at a moderately comfortable pace, I can just go on and on, notwithstanding the usual tightness of thigh and calf muscles and knee pains... On such runs now, I often find myself being able to talk to myself and process thoughts as I run and I realised time passes pretty easily and my mind won't be preoccupied with feeling tired or thoughts of stopping and giving up the run...
On my own, I also realised that I don't usually have the motivation to complete long distances... I've tried running from my place near the AMK MRT down to Bishan Park, make a complete loop round both of the Bishan Parks, then run back home... But that's about the furtherest I'd go and that's merely 8 km thereabout...
But on such mass races, the act of running with thousands of strangers, and knowing that I won't be the last, somehow spur me on and make me just keep going and going and going... Initially, I kind of feel lousy when the super fit female competitors speed pass me... But now, I respect and acknowledge them as capable competitors, and I also now learnt to take it in my stride and enjoy admiring their super well-toned legs as well... And talking about legs, I believe I've seen enough well-toned legs, males and females alike, from such races that I can quite confidently differentiate long distance runners from all other wannabes... I'd like to believe that I used to have a pair of such legs when I was at the prime of my fiteness, but now, I can only admire others and aspire quietly to maintain a fit and healthy pair of legs myself...
The last race for this year for me would be the New Balance Real Run... 15 km over road and some sandy beach... A distance I've never conquered... And for the first time, I'm a bit more worried about my fitness and condition in completing this race... It's a personal challange... Completetion would be an achievement for me... Timing is secondary for me, as with all other races... I've never been a competitive person all my life anyway... I've always thought that there's simply too many rat races all over, but the thing is, I'm NOT A RAT! Simply can't be bothered about any perceived competitions anywhere...
Life is to be enjoyed and lived meaningfully... Life is Beautiful enough to live it to the fullest... And on long races, I envision myself to be running on my Life journey... Every step towards the destination, is always one step nearer... And even upon reaching the destination, Life still goes on, another destination awaits, loved ones await as well... And that's the wonder in Life... overcoming oneself, sharing life with loved ones meaninfully and peacefully...
Friday, September 21, 2007
Kinda Freaky...
I just don't feel quite comfortable at all with this strange phenomenon...
For the past few months, the above photo I took off the car reflection of myself when I was in New Zealand North Island, Dargaville, has been the highest hit photo on my pbase photo gallery...
Freaky, in fact... and I completely do not understand who or where or how there're people in the world-wide-web who got to know of this photo!!!
And why me??? Or why this photo? You can't see my face... You can't see the interior of the car too clearly... You can't see much landscape of the quiet Dargaville either...
Why why why why why why why why?
Very puzzling...
Very puzzling indeed...
For the past few months, the above photo I took off the car reflection of myself when I was in New Zealand North Island, Dargaville, has been the highest hit photo on my pbase photo gallery...
Freaky, in fact... and I completely do not understand who or where or how there're people in the world-wide-web who got to know of this photo!!!
And why me??? Or why this photo? You can't see my face... You can't see the interior of the car too clearly... You can't see much landscape of the quiet Dargaville either...
Why why why why why why why why?
Very puzzling...
Very puzzling indeed...
Monday, September 17, 2007
AJC Wanton Mee!!!
And it's finally found!!!
Our famous AJC wanton mee!!!
Now located at ABC Brickworks Market!!! Thanks to
I don't think I've tasted any better tasting wanton mee since I left AJC!!!
Everybody must try must try must try okie? : )
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
What They Taught Me...
Last Friday, at the East Coast Park, near carpark E2, this group of beautiful people taught me some valuable lessons...
- that there's happiness to be found in every corner of the world...
- that with a sincere and open heart, your care, concern and love can be passed on to others...
- that there are people out there who would truly appreciate simple gestures and actions that we do...
- that there's no point in mulling and sulking over unhappy pasts and start appreciating that there's beautiful people such as these, who bring so much joy and laughter to a group of elderlies...
To the 8 beautiful boys and girls, I sincerely salute all of you, for sharing a small part of your life with the elderlies... I could see in their eyes how touched and happy they really are after spending these beautiful times with you guys and gals... And I am touched and am proud of all of you...
Thank you for brightening up my day as well... You have shown me, and many many others who might have chosen to believe that the end has befallen on them, that with a beautiful and simple heart, joy can be passed around and can be felt...
You all have certainly inspired me... :)
- that there's happiness to be found in every corner of the world...
- that with a sincere and open heart, your care, concern and love can be passed on to others...
- that there are people out there who would truly appreciate simple gestures and actions that we do...
- that there's no point in mulling and sulking over unhappy pasts and start appreciating that there's beautiful people such as these, who bring so much joy and laughter to a group of elderlies...
To the 8 beautiful boys and girls, I sincerely salute all of you, for sharing a small part of your life with the elderlies... I could see in their eyes how touched and happy they really are after spending these beautiful times with you guys and gals... And I am touched and am proud of all of you...
Thank you for brightening up my day as well... You have shown me, and many many others who might have chosen to believe that the end has befallen on them, that with a beautiful and simple heart, joy can be passed around and can be felt...
You all have certainly inspired me... :)
Thursday, September 06, 2007
所以我也誓言要学会自弹自唱这首将近千字,即幽默,且深情的歌。。。真的好不容易啊! 我还记得真正完整的表演完这首歌是在我念大学第三年时,在一个宿舍歌咏组的表演上呈现的。当时我的吉他根基也相当的稳健了。所以自弹自唱不是问题。。。
关于恋爱症候群的发生原因 至今仍然是最大一个谜
不管性别年龄职业体重学历长相和血型 没有一个人可以免疫
有些专家学者研究后相信 恋爱是内分泌失调所引起
却有别人认为恋爱属于滤过性病毒 像感冒无药可救但会自动痊愈
不管你同不同意 自古到今许多例子证明
恋爱不但是一种病态 它还可能是一种变态
一般发病后的初期反应 会开始改变一些生活习性
洗澡洗得特别干净 刷牙刷得特别用力 半夜突然爬起来弹钢琴
有人每天站在阳台对路人傻笑 有人突然疯疯癫癫 突然很安静
有人一脸痴呆 对着镜子咬着指甲打喷嚏 有人对着小狗骂三字经
女人突然改变发型 男人开始每天练着哑铃
食欲不振歇斯底里四肢萎缩 神经过敏发抖抽筋都出现在这时期
随着病情越来越变本加厉 人会变得格外敏感勇敢和恶心
写的说的唱的都像天才诗人一般才华洋溢 愈肉麻愈觉得有趣
有人恋爱之后每天躲在厕所哭泣 有人开记者会宣布恋爱的消息
有人总是喜欢两个人躲在黑漆漆的地方 像做了不可告人的事情
每天忙着找人算命 挖空心思改变自己 配合对方的习性
把每天都当作纪念日 把自己当作纪念品
每天漫无目的的腻在一起 言不及意也觉得好有趣
走着坐着躺着趴着都形影不离 像是两人三脚又像连体婴
心里想的只有爱你爱你爱你爱你 也不管家里米缸有没有米
也不管路上有人示威抗议 只管爱你
心里想的只有爱你爱你爱你爱你 也不管海峡两岸统一问题
也不管衣索匹亚多少难民 只管爱你
经过一段轰轰烈烈热恋时期 不久就会开始渐渐痊愈
两人开始互相厌倦 互相攻击对方缺点 所有甜蜜都随风而去
然后开始从错觉和误解中清醒 惊讶自己为何如此不聪明
为了爱情不管一切 不顾父母朋友姐妹兄弟 开始感到后悔不已
然后开始感到疲惫 沉闷气喘心悸牙痛头痛梦呓
然后是精神不济瞳孔放大 脾气暴燥四肢麻痹 终于受不了要分离
虽然结果颇令人伤心 了解之后也没什么了不起
爱情终究是握不住的云 只是我想要告诉你 哦......
在我落寞的岁月里 你的温柔解脱我的孤寂
带给我深深的狂喜 如此颤动着我的心灵
轻轻诉说爱你爱你爱你爱你 不管是黑夜或是黎明
不管是梦中或是清醒 深深爱你
我要对你说爱你爱你爱你爱你 不管是黑夜或是黎明
不管是梦中或是清醒 深深爱你
多么幸福 让我遇见你
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Definitely two of my favourite songs of the moment...
881 啊 摇 啊 摇 啊。。。 881 啊 摇 啊 摇 啊 (Chant in Hokkien to make sense of it... )
881 啊 摇 啊 摇 啊。。。 881 啊 摇 啊 摇 啊 (Chant in Hokkien to make sense of it... )
Thursday, August 23, 2007
夜。。。 尤其是在满天布满星星的夜,就很容易想起这首歌。。。
夜有千种声音。。。 我只听到你”
真佩服梁文福写词的功力。。。 就这几行字,道尽心底的感觉。。。
夜。。。 当然没有万颗眼睛。。。
夜。。。 当然也不会发出任何声音。。。
所以看到眼睛的,听到声音的。。。 必然是思念人的心。。。
所以, 我喜欢这首歌。。。
所以, 我为这首歌编了一段眩晕的吉他和弦。。。
Monday, August 20, 2007
终于。。。 我一直都很欣赏的本地作家与创作家,梁文福,他的数几十首新谣创作,现在已被呈现于一出舞台剧《天冷就回来>...
今天... 有幸与友人观赏这部剧... 心中不禁涌出了许多极深的感触...
梁文福的作品,我可说是非常熟悉... 在我年少时期, 他的歌曲陪伴了我蛮长的一段时间... 从喜欢,到渐渐的深入欣赏,甚至是崇拜... 佩服他那非常带有文学色彩, 却又能够以简单的字句, 描绘出极生动及感人的情绪... 我的华文根基也是因为读了他的词及散文而打下的...
今天... 再度重温梁文福的词曲创作... 不仅再度的重温当年的情绪... 也重新更深入的体会他词句里所包含的感情... 他的词曲,在这舞台剧里,被赋予了新的画面... 新的画面也为我带来了新的感动...
"天冷就回来"... 五个简单的字。。。 但字里所包含的意义却是如此的深不可测。。。 舞台剧到了第二幕的开场时,当演员唱出了这首歌时,我的眼泪不禁的掉了下来。。。 那感动的降临是如此的迅速, 降临得如此毫无防备。。。
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Retail Therapy - Men's Poison...
Felt like rewarding myself for working hard making a living... Went out on a retail therapy trip today... And burnt some cash on a couple of items...
Finally, after many years of making do with a cheap and serve-its-purpose SLIK tripod, I bit the bullet and went ahead with a set of Manfrotto tripod and ballhead... Long-term investment, I tell myself...
Will it make me a better photographer?
Nahhh... I doubt so...
There's a few other items that's calling out for me, urging me to own them... in no order of priority (I'd love to have all of them if cash is of no concern), these are:
1) The iPhone
Won't arrive on S'pore shores till next year...
Would it make me a more organised and well connected and cool person?
Nahhh... I doubt so...
2) The Canon EOS 1D MKIII
The ultimate body that I could dream of owning at present...
Would it make me a better photographer?
Nahhh... I doubt so...
3) The Taylor GA 8 or Martin D28
Would these make me a better guitarist?
Nahhh... I doubt so...
4) The MINI Cooper
My dream car...
Would it make me a better driver?
Nahhh... I doubt so...
5) The new iMac
My dream machine to organise and edit my digital photos...
Would it make me a more organised person and a better photographer?
Nahhh... I doubt so too...
It's a whole load of paradoxes... For the many WANTS of a man basically doesn't necessary make him better off... Well, maybe not directly anyway...
All the above items don't seem to give me any further edge in what I could possibly do... Probably more convenient... Probably they merely make me feel that I'm much better than I actually am...
But even so, if there's really such a thing as a self-actualising prophecy, then there's no harm in owning them and thinking that I'm better off and then in turn really perform in a better off fashion...
What a whole load of self-justifying expensive crap ;)
Finally, after many years of making do with a cheap and serve-its-purpose SLIK tripod, I bit the bullet and went ahead with a set of Manfrotto tripod and ballhead... Long-term investment, I tell myself...
Will it make me a better photographer?
Nahhh... I doubt so...
There's a few other items that's calling out for me, urging me to own them... in no order of priority (I'd love to have all of them if cash is of no concern), these are:
1) The iPhone
Won't arrive on S'pore shores till next year...
Would it make me a more organised and well connected and cool person?
Nahhh... I doubt so...
2) The Canon EOS 1D MKIII
The ultimate body that I could dream of owning at present...
Would it make me a better photographer?
Nahhh... I doubt so...
3) The Taylor GA 8 or Martin D28
Would these make me a better guitarist?
Nahhh... I doubt so...
4) The MINI Cooper
My dream car...
Would it make me a better driver?
Nahhh... I doubt so...
5) The new iMac
My dream machine to organise and edit my digital photos...
Would it make me a more organised person and a better photographer?
Nahhh... I doubt so too...
It's a whole load of paradoxes... For the many WANTS of a man basically doesn't necessary make him better off... Well, maybe not directly anyway...
All the above items don't seem to give me any further edge in what I could possibly do... Probably more convenient... Probably they merely make me feel that I'm much better than I actually am...
But even so, if there's really such a thing as a self-actualising prophecy, then there's no harm in owning them and thinking that I'm better off and then in turn really perform in a better off fashion...
What a whole load of self-justifying expensive crap ;)
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Where's the FIREWORKS??!!!
Heard that there's going to be a final NDP rehearsal yesterday, so rushed down to my shooting spot at 7.30pm to have a shooting rehearsal myself before the actual day...
Parked my car by the roadside... walked double-quick time... leapt over the Kallang River railing... hurried along the river to the river mouth... under the Sheares Bridge... hit the spot... set up my tripod... set up camera... aimed and composed... did a few test shoots... and waited...
And waited...
And waited...
And waited...
8.15pm... National Anthemn...
But where's the fireworks???
Finally dawned upon me that this last rehearsal wasn't a preview rehearsal... No fireworks... It was a standby rehearsal date to have a final run-through to iron out the kinks...
Felt silly and disappointed about the rush to make this trip... Learnt some lessons as well:
Not all NDP rehearsals will have fireworks...
Just like
Not all people who are nice to you will not harm you...
Just like
Not all people who are mean to you will not be nice to you afterall...
Just like
Not all people who appears strong on the outside will not succumb to pressure and stress...
Just like
Not all dogs who barks will ever set its teeth on you (deja vu ehh, Madcat?)...
Just like
Not all schools who has not won any accolades or awards are not capable of producing youths with character...
Just like
Not all photographers who has all the wonderful gear that money can buy will ever produce breathtaking photos...
But at least I do know for sure that there'll be fireworks on 9th August 2007... I have faith that the SAF and pyrotechnics team will not mess it all up ;)
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Unexpected Safe Sanctuary
Was churning a lot this morning... Over a case which amplified the weaknesses of every one involved, Padawans and Jedi Knights alike...
The feeling was bad... Felt so down... Over my abilities, over my inabilities...
Had to attend a briefing at NCSS in the morning as well, and throughout the journey to and fro, my mind was preoccupied with what had happened... Felt as if I was sinking and sinking and sinking...
Then, on my way back, for some reasons or other, my thought suddenly took an unexpected turn... I remembered I was trying find some source of confidence or a sense of security to calm myself down... Then amazingly, memories of my NS days in the 20SA Medical Centre came flashing back... ... ...
Lee and I were the only two medics who were posted to 20SA from my batch of Combat Medics... We found out that there was a shortage of medics in the unit for the past 1 year before we were posted... So we were kind of a relief to the manpower constraints there...
We also found out that we were greatly anticipated as all the medics there were to ROD in a years' time and should there be no medics to be posted and understudy, there'll be a major problem of handing and taking over of duties for the proper functioning of the medical centre...
And since there's only two of us, and since it was to be another 1 more year before another batch of medics were to be posted, all my seniors were eager to hand over their duties to the two of us...
Basically, that meant that the Admin I/C, Medical Board I/C, Medical Store I/C, Batallion Casualty Station Store I/C, Treatment Room I/C, MO Personal Assistant duties would fall onto the two of us... And that's only the HQ medics' duties... There still the Battery-line medic duties not covered...
Then there was our Senior Medic (the only regular soldier, and our boss of the Medical Centre)... He was a very difficult man to please... His train of thought and logic is something that none of us could comprehend... His eccentricities were our constant source of agony, frustration, hopelessness and despair... His concept of fairness was something that made us all wonder if we had all owed him something in our previous lives...
Shortly after Lee and I were posted, a few of my seniors came to me to warn me that for some incomprehensible reasons, our Senior Medic didn't quite like me... And he intended to throw me to the Battery-line and bunk in with the Gunners...
And that was a scary outcome... Because I wasn't quite ready to live with a whole Battery of rough and tough Gunners... Life would be miserable, I thought...
But goodness gracious... my Medical Officer (the doctor) wanted me to stick around in the Medical Centre to be his Personal Assistant... I was quite sure that his decision pissed the Senior Medic off quite a bit... though the Senior Medic is a regular soldier, the MO is higher ranking than the Senior Medic...
So my life in 20SA revolved around the Medical Centre... because there's only the two of us new to the Medical Centre, quite naturally, we were initiated into every aspects of the centre... For the sake of fairness and accountability, all these duties were split between the two of us... I took up the Medical Board, Medical Store, Batallion Casualty Station Store, MO Personal Assistant, and part of the Treatment Room duties...
So how were all these related to how I was feeling this morning?
I gradually realised that it was during these period of 1 year that I was groomed and taken care of by my seniors... they were the ones who look out for me and showed me all the ropes in managing the centre's duties and most importantly, how to manage our Senior Medic...
I could still fondly recall all those times where Big Chang would go though the Medical Board cases with me at night so that I could handle them myself... where Chris would pull me into his very organised Battalion Casualty Station store to show me how to pack, stack and identify hundreds of medical items stored in the numberous BCS boxes... where Ong would teach me how to operate and maintain every Treatment Room equipment (and also how to do anything we want, as long as we don't get caught)... and Leong who'd always say "Lai lai lai... come to my storeroom to do stock-taking for me..."... where Willie who'd teach me, albeit reluctanly, what he knew about being an MO's Personal Assistant...
These amazing seniors, upon looking back, were there for me and looked out for me and it was those days that I really didn't feel afraid at all of the daunting tasks and duties that fell upon me because I knew that they'd be there... If not for them, Lee and I would never had been able to manage the Medical Centre during the couple of months after they all RODed and before the new batch of medics were posted to our unit...
These memories and experiences were the source of security and confidence that I was craving for this morning... There was this temporal feeling of helplessness, insecurity and vulnerability this morning due to things which happened these couple of days... But a wave of calmness set upon me after I recalled all these wonderful moments when I was just a 19 year old youth...
And I'm thankful for these experiences that I had... they were experiences which toughened and strengthened my resolve... they were experiences which has moulded my sense of purpose...
And it's been a very long while since I've even thought about those days... It's amazing how these memories came flashing back when I really needed a booster from somewhere...
And I now wonder if I could still find a way to keep in touch with any of them...
Monday, July 30, 2007
This is the SPOT
Thursday, July 19, 2007
These couple of weeks, this word "CARE" keeps ringing in my ears...
CARE (Caring Actions in Response to Emergencies) Officer => a new hat I'm wearing now...
CARE Bear => A good friend says I'm like "Do-Your-Best Bear" of the Care Bears... So I did a research on the characteristics of Do-Your-Best Bear:
Do-Your-Best Bear is a Care Bear who dreams big and never gives up. Like his name says, he helps others put their best into everything they do. He's an upbeat bear who's always ready to say, "Great job!" His "aim high" attitude shows in his tummy symbol—a beautiful kite.
Caring Mission: Helps people be the best they can.
Symbol: Do-Your-Best Bear's colorful kite symbol reminds every one that the sky's the limit when you give your best.
Personality: Energetic and confident.
Character Quirk: No matter how hard he tries, he's the only Care Bear who can't fly a kite.
Color: Light green.
Best Friend: Champ Bear
Relationship Challenge: He wishes Wish Bear would wish less and try harder. Wish Bear wishes Do-Your-Best Bear would relax more.
Motto: You feel your best when you do your best!
Hmmm... this shall be my personal mascot to motivate myself to be more like him... :)
Sunday, July 08, 2007
"It's Time to Let You Go"
I thought I could control myself... never expected it to be so emotional... but all thanks to Mingli's photo montage, which ended with "It's time to let you go..." The moment I repeated those words, tears began to fall...
This is the 4th batch of cadets whom I've seen through their 4 years with the unit... The feeling every time is similar... I foolishly thought that I could suppress my emotions this time round... But alas, they decided to have a more intimate gathering after the POP Parade in the AVA room...
I used to feel that shedding of tears is a sign of breaking down, a sign of weakness...
But I finally understood that it could also be a sign of being human...
To my beloved Sec 4 NCOs, THIS is dedicated to you :) Thank you for bringing me so much joy...
Friday, June 08, 2007
30 Years...
6 more hours... or thereabout... a 30-year long sibling-ship would have a new milestone...
As far as recalling my very early childhood is concerned, I can't quite trace precisely the point in time where I could retain a large part of my younger days...
But I vaguely could still remember visiting my new born sister in a hospital... that's when I was barely 3 years old...
I can't quite remember the entire setting... All I remembered was that as I was still not quite tall, and I wanted to take a look at my new sister, I stepped onto the lower tray of the baby trolley and tried to pull myself up... And in so doing, I think I almost toppled the baby trolley, with my sister inside of course... And someone pulled me away...
But I couldn't remember how much hostility I received...
And much of my childhood around that time was just a blur... Till I was much older...
The next patch of memory I could now recall was when I was about 5 years old... I used to live with my grandparents, uncle and aunt... All 8 of us in a little Toa Payoh 2-room flat... As a kid, my family was pretty strict on my movements... On a very rare occasion, I was able to play with some other kids in my block along the corridor... My little sister was with me... And for some reasons, we went upstairs from our 2nd level flat, and I can't remember how high we went... And after playing around, I came back down to the 2nd level with the other kids... But my little sis was no where to be found...
My grandparents, and aunt panicked... And formed a search party up the block to finally find my sis crying at some staircase up some level...
But again, I couldn't remember how much hostility I received...
Another episode, also around that age, I sat my sister down in my grandparents' little room... And I played barber with her... Snipped off some of her hair of course, with a pair of scissors... The adults only found out after a while later in the day when they saw some hair on the floor...
And again, I couldn't remember how much hostility I received...
Of course... 'hostility' is an over-stated word as far as I am concerned... being the eldest boy offspring in the family, I was treated with much care and concern... My grandmother would give my sis and I small amount of pocket money... And she would give me a dollar note, while giving my sis a few coins... My sis couldn't count, yet... so she always thought that she has 'more' money than me...
Both my parents are the eldest in their respective families and they married relatively early... so my sis and I didn't have any cousins to play with until we were both much older... So we played with each other for a large part of our childhood... My mum didn't allow me to leave the house after I get home right after school... So apart from doing homework, I'd play with my sis... Not that I have a choice anyway...
Somehow, the adults all around me has brainwashed me to make me understand that I should take good care of my younger sis and look out for her... I can't quite remember if there were any occasions where we actually quarreled badly... There weren't even any sibling rivalry too...
Maybe it's just because I've been doing better in school than her, that's why I don't feel any rivalry...
But as we grew older, and as I went to do my National Service, entered University, stayed in hostel, started work, we chat less often...
She has been at home all those while when I was away... She's the one who's always with my parents, while I'm staying away...
And in less than 6 hours, or thereabout, symbolically, she would be away from us... for a new chapter in her life...
And I could foresee myself having to fill in some of the void that she would leave behind... my parents wouldn't have her with them when I stay away... I could feel that I would gradually slip in this void that I rightfully should have co-filled in the past...
When I think about it deeper, it's really amazing to know that in this whole wide world, there is this person, apart from parents, who is so deeply and closely connected, by blood... No other being could ever come close to such kind of bonding... And such thoughts reminds and humbles me to treasure this remarkable relationship in my life...
She is very different from me, in terms of personality, and habits... She's most organised and tidy and orderly... A comparison in the way we upkeep our own rooms would be more than sufficient to see our differences...
Yet, we share a common love for quality chinese music... Somehow, I'm not sure if I was the one who first influenced her, we share a same passion for the local Xinyao, and some non-mainstream Taiwanese songwriters' music...
Just today, my sis joined me in my room during lunch, while I was watching 陈绮祯 concert DVD... and we lamented how regretful we both were in missing 陈绮祯's concert when she came a few years back... And when I need to find someone to watch any non-mainstream taiwanese singers' mini-concerts, I know I could always ask her along when probably none of my friends would have heard of those singers...
Such were the quiet bonds that we share... We are not brought up in an environment where we keep all our care and concern on our lips... subtle actions say it all... all these 30 years...
Technically, in the eyes of law, a couple is legally married once registered at the ROM... That happened a year ago already for my sis... But somehow, the customary wedding is most symbolic... probably because of the sheer amount of preparations and number of people involved... and that's something good...
Very happy for her... to have found a man in her life... to have found a man for marriage... and I'm delighted to gain a brother-in-law too, at least he a Manchester United die-hard fan too ;)
So in less than 6 hours... or thereabout... I'll be busy capturing memories for her... To preserve beautiful memories on her biggest and most important day in her life... To give her as a gift, to remind her of the beautiful day in years to come...
To remind myself also, of how beautiful a sister I have in my life...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
So many kiddos are into LAN gaming...
So intrigued by the draw that such centres have on kids...
So I decided to join my kiddos for a game this afternoon...
So long since I last stepped into Broadway Cinema... It's no longer Broadway Cinema now, of course... The theatre structure is still retained... But in place of the seats on the sloped steps, were rows upon rows of PCs all connected to the LAN...
So amazed at the maze...
So now I understand where their time went into... not in my A-Maths assignments obviously...
So impressed was I with the virtual skills that my kiddos possess... They killed me easily like killing an ant...
So worried, I have become... Of the countless amount of time that many others have spent in numerous centres all littered around the island...
So unreal, their real life have since become...
So dizzy I have become as well... both literally, as well as figuratively...
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
A Day My Favourite Soccer Team Lost the FA Cup... But I Just Wasn't Too Bothered...
Indeed... something lost, something gained... Man U lost in the dying minutes of the extra time... And I usually will be very frustrated and agonized over my favourite team losing an important match...
But not on that very special night...
And it was all because of these beautiful people...
Had a great time on Saturday evening with my first batch of students... Met them for dinner at Marina South... GZ & CP reminded me that when they were in Sec 4, we had an outing there as well... That prompted me to hunt down for the old photos I took with my old film compact camera...
It's been 5 years... look how young we all were... They are still young, of course... All young ladies and gentlemen now...
This was the best turnout since they graduated in 2003... So much to catch up, especially with the guys... Most of them I was still able to keep up with their progress via a few of them... So happy to know how well all of them have come along...
1) GZ - graduated from Poly, now working... looking into applying for a course in a private university
2) CP - graduated from Poly... looking into applying for ACCA or private university
3) TW - graduated from Poly... secured a place in NUS (Estate Mgmt)... awaiting NS
4) YC - graduated from NAFA... thinking of applying for NTU Media Studies
5) WL - now in Poly, after doing well from ITE...
6) WX - graduated from Poly, awaiting NS
7) SZ - now serving NS as a Police Officer a Changi Airport Division
8) LC - graduated from ITE, moving on to do a diploma
9) WH - graduated from Poly, awaiting NS
10) SR - doing his final term in Poly
11) LH - kindergarden teacher
12) SC - completed ITE, now working
13) SB - graduated from poly, now working
14) D - completed ITE, completed NS... now looking for job
15) KL - completed Poly, now working
16) SK - completed Poly, now working
17) XY - now taking an Airborne Course at Commando Camp (serious!)
I've probably said it before on this blog... They've really been the batch that I've learnt so much from... And I'm still learning from them now!
Every time I see them, I'll reflect upon how I've worked with them and grew with them... They've time and again given me a lot of strength and conviction to continue on my path and mission as an educator... They have moulded me, as much as I would like to think that the school has moulded them...
Before I left home that evening, I was pondering what would be a good time to excuse myself and return home to watch the 10pm FA Cup Final... But the moment I met all of them, I knew it'll be a special night that will absolutely have no replay whatsoever... And after dinner, we adjourned to Coffee Bean at J8 till well past midnight...
How I wish their other 2 very close teachers could be there as well... but alas, family commitments... But I'm very sure they'd be very proud of this batch of students too, just like I do...
Just when I thought I'm sliding down into a valley in the course of my work... I have these wonderful people to propel me back up again... Thank you guys and gals... :)
But not on that very special night...
And it was all because of these beautiful people...
Had a great time on Saturday evening with my first batch of students... Met them for dinner at Marina South... GZ & CP reminded me that when they were in Sec 4, we had an outing there as well... That prompted me to hunt down for the old photos I took with my old film compact camera...
It's been 5 years... look how young we all were... They are still young, of course... All young ladies and gentlemen now...
This was the best turnout since they graduated in 2003... So much to catch up, especially with the guys... Most of them I was still able to keep up with their progress via a few of them... So happy to know how well all of them have come along...
1) GZ - graduated from Poly, now working... looking into applying for a course in a private university
2) CP - graduated from Poly... looking into applying for ACCA or private university
3) TW - graduated from Poly... secured a place in NUS (Estate Mgmt)... awaiting NS
4) YC - graduated from NAFA... thinking of applying for NTU Media Studies
5) WL - now in Poly, after doing well from ITE...
6) WX - graduated from Poly, awaiting NS
7) SZ - now serving NS as a Police Officer a Changi Airport Division
8) LC - graduated from ITE, moving on to do a diploma
9) WH - graduated from Poly, awaiting NS
10) SR - doing his final term in Poly
11) LH - kindergarden teacher
12) SC - completed ITE, now working
13) SB - graduated from poly, now working
14) D - completed ITE, completed NS... now looking for job
15) KL - completed Poly, now working
16) SK - completed Poly, now working
17) XY - now taking an Airborne Course at Commando Camp (serious!)
I've probably said it before on this blog... They've really been the batch that I've learnt so much from... And I'm still learning from them now!
Every time I see them, I'll reflect upon how I've worked with them and grew with them... They've time and again given me a lot of strength and conviction to continue on my path and mission as an educator... They have moulded me, as much as I would like to think that the school has moulded them...
Before I left home that evening, I was pondering what would be a good time to excuse myself and return home to watch the 10pm FA Cup Final... But the moment I met all of them, I knew it'll be a special night that will absolutely have no replay whatsoever... And after dinner, we adjourned to Coffee Bean at J8 till well past midnight...
How I wish their other 2 very close teachers could be there as well... but alas, family commitments... But I'm very sure they'd be very proud of this batch of students too, just like I do...
Just when I thought I'm sliding down into a valley in the course of my work... I have these wonderful people to propel me back up again... Thank you guys and gals... :)
Monday, May 14, 2007
I'm a Slow Dancer??? Wow!
Disclaimer: This entry is by no means a mode of self-advertising... Purely for fun & laughter :)
Link: The Online Persona Test |
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Shoot Bird
Okie... The Grammarians out there will condemn the title I've so chosen... But I figured it makes sense to lots of S'poreans at least... ;)
Very literally indeed... IIRC, the last time I went to the Jurong Bird Park was when I was in Primary School... Ridiculously long period of time since I stepped back there...
And pretty impressed with it, I must say... Had a lot of fun in the aviaries... So fascinating seeing birds flying all around you... Had lots of fun shooting them too, especially when I was trying to shoot birds in flight... Felt like I was doing trap shooting... Then there were the cheeky and friendly parrots in the aviary... So easy to shoot them... Immensely therapeutic... :)
Pink Flamingoes
"Trap Shooting"
Oooorh... So cuuute...
Love Birds...
Full series is HERE
Very literally indeed... IIRC, the last time I went to the Jurong Bird Park was when I was in Primary School... Ridiculously long period of time since I stepped back there...
And pretty impressed with it, I must say... Had a lot of fun in the aviaries... So fascinating seeing birds flying all around you... Had lots of fun shooting them too, especially when I was trying to shoot birds in flight... Felt like I was doing trap shooting... Then there were the cheeky and friendly parrots in the aviary... So easy to shoot them... Immensely therapeutic... :)
Pink Flamingoes
"Trap Shooting"
Oooorh... So cuuute...
Love Birds...
Full series is HERE
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